Rochester Alliance of Communities Transforming Society
Membership Application
Annual Dues Structure
Congregation/Organization Membership Individual Membership
Under 100 members... $100 Regular.............$30
100-250 members........$250 Low Income.....$15
251-500 members....... $500
501-1,000 members.... $1,000
1,000+ members......... $1,500
Membership is open to any individual, faith community or non-profit organization in the Greater Rochester metropolitan area that supports and endorses the vision and mission of RocACTS, agrees to follow its Bylaws and is approved by the Board.
Individual or Organization/Congregation Name: ____________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________________________________
E-Mail: _________________________________________________________________________
For Organization/Congregations Members:
Faith Leader/Director Name: _____________________________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________________________________________
Return this application with your dues to: 121 N. Fitzhugh St., Rochester, NY 14614
Congregation/Organization Member dues can be made in 2 installments.
Individual Member Dues must be paid in full at time of application.
Make checks payable to RocACTS